Seminarprogramm 2024 Berlin

5 Critical and Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Selecting a Surrogacy Provider

Samstag, 02. März 2024
14:15 pm
Seminarraum 2

Choosing the right surrogacy provider is a pivotal decision that can have far-reaching financial, emotional, and practical consequences. Surrogacy is a complex process, and most individuals and couples embarking on this journey are unaware of the potential risks and pitfalls.

In her presentation, Kersch-Kibler will explain the most common mistakes and red flags that every prospective parent should be aware of while evaluating and comparing surrogacy providers. Her insights will address crucial considerations related to costs, timing, health, safety, and the overall success of your surrogacy journey.

Attendees will gain invaluable knowledge that will empower them to make informed choices, ensuring a smoother and more rewarding surrogacy experience. Kersch-Kibler's expertise will equip parents with the tools to navigate their choice of a surrogacy provider with confidence.


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